
We promote the values of a catholic ethos, where each member of our school; pupils, staff, parents and community, are valued and respected. We encourage an atmosphere of mutual respect for all. We are committed to creating a friendly, respectful, caring environment that promotes Christian values by welcoming all pupils.
We support our pupils to be individuals and to develop as critical thinkers. We have a committed, talented and dedicated staff, that provides a child-centred, active and engaging curriculum for our pupils, where the student’s voice is valued.
All children are supported to access the national curriculum. We encourage and celebrate the Arts Curriculum in our school and have a long tradition of Sport, Music and Drama. Bawnmore National School plays a central role in the development of community spirit in our local area.
We acknowledge the important role of parents as the primary educators of their children. We are supported by a very active parental body, a Parents Association and an excellent community. We continue to foster this collaborative relationship between school and the community, so that the children in our care develop as educated and informed citizens.
We welcome inquiries from prospective parents. Please phone or email our office for any information or to arrange an appointment.
Tá fáilte romhaibh glaoch a chur nó ríomhphost a sheoladh chugainn, chun breis eolais a fháil faoin scoil.
‘Ní neart a cur le chéile’ a deir an seanfhocail agus creidimid go bhfuil sé tábhachtach go bhfuil páirt lárnach ag pobal iomlán na scoile i bhforbairt an pháiste.
Le gach dea-ghuí
Caoilfhionn Casey
A chairde,
Fáilte chuig suíomh idirlíon Scoil Náisiunta Mhuire, an Bháin Mhóir.
Táimid ag súil go bhfuil blas de na himeachtaí éagsúla a thárlaíonn
sa scoil, agus don spiorad a bhaineann linn, le fáil anseo.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that it provides an insight into our busy, progressive and active school. We hope that by enjoying our virtual tour, you will get a flavour of the fun times we share in Bawnmore.
We are a rural school situated in the parish of Lackagh, Co Galway. Here in Scoil Naisiúnta Mhuire, Bawnmore, we strive to promote a positive atmosphere of inclusion where each child is enabled to reach their full potential. We currently have seven classroom teachers, an SEN team of three teachers and four Inclusion Support Assistants.​